Cosmos custom calls

Execute any custom calls at the end of Squid Route

There are mainly two types of calls in cosmos - native call or CosmWasm contract call. Squid supports both cases.

Custom Cosmos contract call structure

export type CustomCosmosContractCall = {
  contract?: string; // must be set for wasm calls
  msg: object; // properly built object with a message call

Building a valid contract call

Let's assume we want to stake our OSMO tokens after we completed our swaps. Staking on Osmosis can be done in 2 ways - via native message or via calling a smart contract.

Example of stargate message

    "msg": {
        "stake": {
            "denom": "uosmo"

Example of wasm hook message

    "contract": "osmo1...",
    "msg": {
        "wasm": {
            "contract": "osmo1...",
            "msg": {
                "stake": {
                    "denom": "uosmo"

Example of Mars Red Bank deposit call on Osmosis

const params = {
  fromChain: "axelar-dojo-1",
  fromToken: "uaxl",
  fromAmount: "1000000",
  fromAddress: signerAddress,
  toChain: "osmosis-1",
  toToken: "uosmo",
  toAddress: osmosisAddress, // this address will be replaced with contract address
  slippage: 3.0,
  customContractCall: {
    msg: {
      deposit: {
        on_behalf_of: osmosisAddress,

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