This document outlines the configuration types available for the Squid Widget v2.0. For an implementation example, refer to the Full Configuration Example.
Copy export interface SquidConfig {
integratorId: string;
apiUrl?: string;
theme?: Theme;
themeType?: 'dark' | 'light';
initialAssets?: {
from: TokenData;
to: TokenData;
defaultTokensPerChain?: TokenData[];
priceImpactWarnings?: {
warning: number;
critical: number;
availableChains?: {
source?: ChainId[];
destination?: ChainId[];
loadPreviousStateFromLocalStorage?: boolean;
slippage?: SlippageOption;
hideAnimations?: boolean;
preferDex?: DexName[] | string[];
collectFees?: {
integratorAddress: string;
fee: number; // Basis points (e.g., 50 = 0.05%)
degenMode?: boolean;
export type ChainId = number | string;
export type SlippageOption = 0.5 | 1 | 1.5 | 3;
export type TokenData = {
address: string;
chainId: ChainId;
export type DexName = string; // Specific DEX names to be listed here
Copy export interface Theme {
borderRadius?: {
"button-lg-primary"?: string;
"button-lg-secondary"?: string;
"button-lg-tertiary"?: string;
"button-md-primary"?: string;
"button-md-secondary"?: string;
"button-md-tertiary"?: string;
"container"?: string;
"input"?: string;
"menu-sm"?: string;
"menu-lg"?: string;
"modal"?: string;
fontSize?: {
"caption"?: string;
"body-small"?: string;
"body-medium"?: string;
"body-large"?: string;
"heading-small"?: string;
"heading-medium"?: string;
"heading-large"?: string;
fontWeight?: {
"caption"?: string;
"body-small"?: string;
"body-medium"?: string;
"body-large"?: string;
"heading-small"?: string;
"heading-medium"?: string;
"heading-large"?: string;
fontFamily?: {
"squid-main"?: string;
boxShadow?: {
"container"?: string;
color?: {
"grey-100"?: ColorType;
"grey-200"?: ColorType;
"grey-300"?: ColorType;
"grey-400"?: ColorType;
"grey-500"?: ColorType;
"grey-600"?: ColorType;
"grey-700"?: ColorType;
"grey-800"?: ColorType;
"grey-900"?: ColorType;
"royal-300"?: ColorType;
"royal-400"?: ColorType;
"royal-500"?: ColorType;
"royal-700"?: ColorType;
"status-positive"?: ColorType;
"status-negative"?: ColorType;
"status-partial"?: ColorType;
"highlight-700"?: ColorType;
"animation-bg"?: ColorType;
"animation-text"?: ColorType;
"button-lg-primary-bg"?: ColorType;
"button-lg-primary-text"?: ColorType;
"button-lg-secondary-bg"?: ColorType;
"button-lg-secondary-text"?: ColorType;
"button-lg-tertiary-bg"?: ColorType;
"button-lg-tertiary-text"?: ColorType;
"button-md-primary-bg"?: ColorType;
"button-md-primary-text"?: ColorType;
"button-md-secondary-bg"?: ColorType;
"button-md-secondary-text"?: ColorType;
"button-md-tertiary-bg"?: ColorType;
"button-md-tertiary-text"?: ColorType;
"input-bg"?: ColorType;
"input-placeholder"?: ColorType;
"input-text"?: ColorType;
"input-selection"?: ColorType;
"menu-bg"?: ColorType;
"menu-text"?: ColorType;
"menu-backdrop"?: ColorType;
"modal-backdrop"?: ColorType;
export type ColorType = string; // The color format must be of type #FFFFFF
Deprecated or Removed Types