Swap widget


Squid has a widget for cross-chain swaps and deposits, which can be customised and installed by partners with ease.

The widget is a UI component that leverages Squid’s API and SDK, making it easy to implement cross-chain functionality into any front end with minimal dev effort. It’s perfect for projects who are looking to go cross-chain and want to expand to new users across different crypto ecosystems.

💡 Check out Squid's Widget Studio to customize and use the widget, live on mainnet.

Widget features

  • Maximum chain and token coverage on all Axelar-supported chains

  • Speed and security powered by Axelar’s cross-chain architecture

  • Customize themes to suit any brand

  • One-click onboarding from EVM chains to the Cosmos

  • Allow or deny certain exchanges

  • Pinned tokens that appear at the top of token lists

  • Custom destination addresses

  • View a quote without connecting a wallet

  • Set custom slippage options

  • Transaction history to view recent sessions

It comes with complete user docs

Squid’s user documentation details how to use the widget and details all supported swap and transfer types.

If you want to start integrating right away, head to Getting Started

Last updated