Squid is launching v2! With this upgrade Squid delivers:
Lightning fast response times, always <1 sec, down to 300ms
Long term scaling improvements, we’re ready to handle hundreds of RPS
Each partner has an RPS limit in place, so please let us know if you need more!
Overview of Breaking Changes
As a part of this upgrade there are breaking changes you must implement to get access to the improved Squid v2
Acquiring a v2 Integrator ID. Connect with the Squid team and we will enable your existing integratorID from a v1 Integrator ID to a v2Integrator ID.
Modify your hook implementations
Including a fundAmount
and fundToken
to preHooks
Include provider
, description
, and logoURI
in both the preHook and postHook call
New SDK Version
Copy npm install @0xsquid/sdk@^2.8.23
New Widget Version
Copy npm install @0xsquid/widget@^2.0.0
Base URLs
Copy v1: https://api.squidrouter.com
Copy v2: https://apiplus.squidrouter.com
Route Request Endpoint
Copy v1: https://api.squidrouter.com
Copy v2: https://apiplus.squidrouter.com/v2/route
Status Endpoint
Copy v1: https://api.squidrouter.com/v1/status?transactionId=
Copy v2: https://apiplus.squidrouter.com/v2/status
Ethers version (Squid SDK integrations only)
V2: Ethers V5 or V6 up to v6.7.1
Change /route from GET to POST
The /route endpoint is now POST. /status is still a /GET request.
Our SDK handles this behind the scenes. No changes needed
// Get the swap route using Squid SDK
const { route, requestId } = await squid.getRoute(params);
// Function to get the optimal route for the swap using Squid API
const getRoute = async (params: any) => {
try {
const result = await axios.post(
headers: {
"x-integrator-id": integratorId,
"Content-Type": "application/json",
const requestId = result.headers["x-request-id"]; // Retrieve request ID from response headers
return { data: result.data, requestId: requestId };
} catch (error) {
if (error.response) {
console.error("API error:", error.response.data);
console.error("Error with parameters:", params);
throw error;
Importing types
Copy import { ChainType, RouteResponse, SquidCallType } from "@0xsquid/sdk";
v2: Slightly different import path
Copy import { ChainType, RouteResponse, SquidCallType } from "@0xsquid/sdk/dist/types";
is required on all requests in v2
Copy const getSquidSDK = async () => {
const squid = new Squid({
baseUrl: "https://api.squidrouter.com",
await squid.init();
return squid;
// Function to get Squid SDK instance
const getSDK = (): Squid => {
const squid = new Squid({
baseUrl: "https://apiplus.squidrouter.com",
integratorId: integratorId,
return squid;
Add integrator-id to headers of every GET and POST request:
Copy const getChains = async () => {
const result = await axios.get('https://v2.api.squidrouter.com/v2/chains', {
headers: {
'x-integrator-id': integratorId,
return result.data;
// Function to get the optimal route for the swap using Squid API
const getRoute = async (params: any) => {
try {
const result = await axios.post(
headers: {
"x-integrator-id": integratorId,
"Content-Type": "application/json",
const requestId = result.headers["x-request-id"]; // Retrieve request ID from response headers
return { data: result.data, requestId: requestId };
} catch (error) {
if (error.response) {
console.error("API error:", error.response.data);
console.error("Error with parameters:", params);
throw error;
V2 Parameters
const params = {
fromChain: number | string; //the chainID assets are being bridged FROM
toChain: number | string; //the chainID assets are being bridged TO
fromToken: string; //the asset address being swapped FROM, "0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE" for native assets
toToken: string; // The asset address being swapped TO, "0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE" for native assets
fromAmount: string; // The unadjusted decimal amount assets
fromAddress: string; // The address FROM which assets are being sent to be bridged
toAddress: string; // The address TO which bridged assets will be sent to
slippage?: number; //OPTIONAL, If set it determines the max slippage across the route (0.01-99.99) 1 = 1% slippage.
quoteOnly?: boolean; //OPTIONAL, If true, returns only a quote for the route. Omits transaction data needed for execution. Defaults to false
API Migration
Migrating from v1 to v2, enables route requests under 1 second and sustainability scalability.. You can find out-of-the-box examples to implement Squid v2 in our github examples repo.
Route Request
The route request now uses the new endpoint and requires the updated Integrator ID in the headers.
const getRoute = async (params) => {
const result = await axios.post(
headers: {
"x-integrator-id": integratorId,
"Content-Type": "application/json",
return {
data: result.data,
requestId: result.headers["x-request-id"]
Note the extraction of requestId from the response headers, which is now required for status checks.
Status Check
The status check endpoint has also been updated:
const getStatus = async (params) => {
return await axios.get("<https://apiplus.squidrouter.com/v2/status>", {
params: {
transactionId: params.transactionId,
requestId: params.requestId,
fromChainId: params.fromChainId,
toChainId: params.toChainId,
headers: {
"x-integrator-id": integratorId,
Ensure you're passing the requestId obtained from the route request.
API Parameter Changes
Include slippage
as a number instead of an object
API Response Handling
Extract requestId
from response headers for status checks
Use route.transactionRequest
for transaction execution
SDK Migration
If you're using the Squid SDK, you can find the key changes to implement below. You can find out-of-the-box examples to implement Squid v2 and our SDK in our Github examples repo.
SDK Initialization
Initialize the SDK with the new base URL and your updated Integrator ID:
Copy import { Squid } from "@0xsquid/sdk";
const squid = new Squid({
baseUrl: "<https://apiplus.squidrouter.com>",
integratorId: "YOUR_INTEGRATOR_ID",
await squid.init();
Get Route
The getRoute method now returns a requestId along with the route:
const { route, requestId } = await squid.getRoute({
fromChain: fromChainId,
fromToken: fromToken,
fromAmount: amount,
toChain: toChainId,
toToken: toToken,
toAddress: signer.address,
slippage: 1,// Now a number
enableBoost: true,
Execute Route
Use the transactionRequest object from the route to execute the transaction:
const tx = await signer.sendTransaction({
to: route.transactionRequest.target,
data: route.transactionRequest.data,
value: route.transactionRequest.value,
gasLimit: route.transactionRequest.gasLimit,
const txReceipt = await tx.wait();
Check Status
Include the requestId when checking the transaction status:
const status = await squid.getStatus({
transactionId: txReceipt.transactionHash,
requestId: requestId,
fromChainId: fromChainId,
toChainId: toChainId,
Hook, Previously customContractCalls, Implementation (API and SDK)
have been renamed to postHook
and postHook
Hooks now require additional parameters. Here are examples for both pre and postHooks:
PreHook Example
You can use a preHook to execute an action before a cross-chain swap.
preHook: {
chainType: "evm",
fundAmount: "10000",
fundToken: "0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE",
provider: "Your App",
description: "Wrap native token",
logoURI: "<http://your-logo-url.com>",
calls: [
chainType: "evm",
callType: 2,
value: "10000",
callData: wrapEncodedData,
payload: {
tokenAddress: "0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE",
inputPos: 0,
estimatedGas: "500000",
PostHook Example
You can use a preHook to execute an action after a cross-chain swap.
postHook: {
chainType: "evm",
provider: "Your App",
description: "Approve and Deposit",
logoURI: "<http://your-logo-url.com>",
calls: [
chainType: "evm",
callType: 1,
target: usdcAddress,
value: "0",
callData: approveEncoded,
payload: {
tokenAddress: usdcAddress,
inputPos: "1",
estimatedGas: "50000",
chainType: "evm",
callType: 1,
target: lendingPoolAddress,
value: "0",
callData: depositEncoded,
payload: {
tokenAddress: usdcAddress,
inputPos: "1",
estimatedGas: "50000",
Breaking Changes: Details And Examples
There are two required modifications to Request Params
slippage: NUMBER(0.01-99.99);
this number can be 0.01 to 99.99 and represents the associated slippage with a transaction. This parameter is now optional and will be dynamically set by Squid if not included.
Recommendation: Slippage is an optional parameter. We recommend you don’t set the slippage value so it is dynamically set by Squid during the route request
Request Params Modification Example for API
v1 Implementation
Copy //Previous Implementation
const params = {
fromAddress: signer.address,
fromChain: fromChainId,
fromToken: fromToken,
fromAmount: amount,
toChain: toChainId,
toToken: toToken,
toAddress: signer.address,
v2 Implementation
Copy //New Implementation
const params = {
fromAddress: signer.address,
fromChain: fromChainId,
fromToken: fromToken,
fromAmount: amount,
toAddress: signer.address,
toChain: toChainId,
toToken: toToken,
slippage: 1, //add slippage optional
Request Params Modification Example for SDK
v1 Implementation
Copy //Previous Implementation
const params = {
fromAddress: signer.address,
fromChain: fromChainID,
fromToken: fromToken,
fromAmount: amount,
toChain: toChainId,
toToken: toToken,
toAddress: signer.address,
slippage: 1,
quoteOnly: false,
v2 Implementation
Copy const params = {
fromAddress: signer.address,
fromChain: fromChainID,
fromToken: fromToken,
fromAmount: amount,
toChain: toChainId,
toToken: toToken,
toAddress: signer.address,
slippage: 1, //add slippage optional
quoteOnly: false,
Hook Implementations
we have added a fundAmount
and fundToken
to preHooks. We have also added a provider
, description
, and logoURI
to the both the preHook and postHook call.
Copy "provider": "Integration Test",
"description": "Wrap native",
"logoURI": "http://",
Modified Hook Implementation API
v1 Implementation
Copy //Previous Implementation
postHook: {
chainType: ChainType.EVM,
//fundAmount: "10000", // for prehooks only
//fundToken: "TOKEN ADDRESS, //for prehooks only
calls: [
chainType: ChainType.EVM,
callType: 1, // SquidCallType.FULL_TOKEN_BALANCE
target: radiantLendingPoolAddress,
value: "0",
callData: depositEncodedData,
payload: {
tokenAddress: usdcArbitrumAddress,
inputPos: 1,
estimatedGas: "50000",
v2 Implementation
Copy //New Implementation
postHook: {
chainType: ChainType.EVM,
//fundAmount: "10000", //for prehooks only
//fundToken: "TOKEN ADDRESS, //for prehooks only
calls: [
chainType: ChainType.EVM,
callType: 1, // SquidCallType.FULL_TOKEN_BALANCE
target: radiantLendingPoolAddress,
value: "0",
callData: depositEncodedData,
payload: {
tokenAddress: usdcArbitrumAddress,
inputPos: 1,
estimatedGas: "50000",
//add provider, description, logoURI
description: "Lend USD To Radiant",
logoURI: "<https://radiant.svg>",
provider: "Radiant",
Modified Hook Implementation SDK
v1 Implementation
Copy //Previous Implementation
postHook: {
chainType: ChainType.EVM,
//fundAmount: "10000", // for prehooks only
//fundToken: "TOKEN ADDRESS, //for prehooks only
calls: [
chainType: ChainType.EVM,
callType: 1, // SquidCallType.FULL_TOKEN_BALANCE
target: radiantLendingPoolAddress,
value: "0",
callData: depositEncodedData,
payload: {
tokenAddress: usdcArbitrumAddress,
inputPos: 1,
estimatedGas: "50000",
v2 Implementation
/New Implementation
postHook: {
chainType: ChainType.EVM,
//fundAmount: "10000", //for prehooks only
//fundToken: "TOKEN ADDRESS, //for prehooks only
calls: [
chainType: ChainType.EVM,
callType: 1, // SquidCallType.FULL_TOKEN_BALANCE
target: radiantLendingPoolAddress,
value: "0",
callData: depositEncodedData,
payload: {
tokenAddress: usdcArbitrumAddress,
inputPos: 1,
estimatedGas: "50000",
//add provider, description, logoURI
description: "Lend USD To Radiant",
logoURI: "<https://radiant.svg>",
provider: "Radiant",
Response Shape Change Example
Lastly, the request response shape has changed inside the actions steps. This is for integrators that utilize the request response.
Wrappers, bridges, and DEXes will now have an associated Provider:
and logoURI:
within the json response.
v1 Example Response
Copy //Previous Response
"route": {
"estimate": {
"actions": [
"type": "wrap",
"chainType": "evm",
"data": {
"address": "0x82af49447d8a07e3bd95bd0d56f35241523fbab1",
"chainId": "42161",
"type": "WrappedNative",
"path": [
"target": "0x82af49447d8a07e3bd95bd0d56f35241523fbab1",
"direction": "wrap"
"fromChain": "42161",
"toChain": "42161",
"fromToken": {
"type": "evm",
"chainId": "42161",
"address": "0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE",
"name": "Ethereum",
"symbol": "ETH",
"decimals": 18,
"logoURI": "<https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0xsquid/assets/main/images/tokens/eth.svg>",
"coingeckoId": "ethereum",
"usdPrice": 3726.560765050724
"toToken": {
"type": "evm",
"chainId": "42161",
"address": "0x82af49447d8a07e3bd95bd0d56f35241523fbab1",
"name": "Wrapped ETH",
"symbol": "WETH",
"decimals": 18,
"logoURI": "<https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0xsquid/assets/main/images/tokens/weth.svg>",
"coingeckoId": "weth",
"usdPrice": 3727.7391068116112
"fromAmount": "1000000000000000000",
"toAmount": "1000000000000000000",
"toAmountMin": "1000000000000000000",
"exchangeRate": "1.0",
"priceImpact": "0.00",
"stage": 0,
"description": "Wrap ETH to WETH"
v2 Example Response
Copy //New Implementation
"route": {
"estimate": {
"actions": [
"type": "wrap",
"chainType": "evm",
"data": {
"address": "0x82af49447d8a07e3bd95bd0d56f35241523fbab1",
"chainId": "42161",
"type": "WrappedNative",
"path": [
"target": "0x82af49447d8a07e3bd95bd0d56f35241523fbab1",
"direction": "wrap"
"fromChain": "42161",
"toChain": "42161",
"fromToken": {
"type": "evm",
"chainId": "42161",
"address": "0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE",
"name": "Ethereum",
"symbol": "ETH",
"decimals": 18,
"logoURI": "<https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0xsquid/assets/main/images/tokens/eth.svg>",
"coingeckoId": "ethereum",
"usdPrice": 3726.560765050724
"toToken": {
"type": "evm",
"chainId": "42161",
"address": "0x82af49447d8a07e3bd95bd0d56f35241523fbab1",
"name": "Wrapped ETH",
"symbol": "WETH",
"decimals": 18,
"logoURI": "<https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0xsquid/assets/main/images/tokens/weth.svg>",
"coingeckoId": "weth",
"usdPrice": 3727.7391068116112
"fromAmount": "1000000000000000000",
"toAmount": "1000000000000000000",
"toAmountMin": "1000000000000000000",
"exchangeRate": "1.0",
"priceImpact": "0.00",
"stage": 0,
"description": "Wrap ETH to WETH",
// Now contains Provider & logoURI
"Provider": "Provider Name",
"logoURI": "https://"
For more examples, you can explore our Github Examples Repo . Please reach out to us if you have any questions, thank you!