//import Squid SDK and types
import { Squid } from "@0xsquid/sdk";
import { ChainType, EvmContractCall } from "@0xsquid/squid-types";
// Import WETH ABI
import wethAbi from "../abi/wethAbi"; // Adjust the path if necessary
// Function to get Squid SDK instance
const getSDK = (): Squid => {
const squid = new Squid({
baseUrl: "https://apiplus.squidrouter.com",
integratorId: integratorId,
return squid;
// Main function
(async () => {
// Initialize Squid SDK
const squid = getSDK();
await squid.init();
console.log("Initialized Squid SDK");
// Creating Contract interfaces
const wethInterface = new ethers.utils.Interface(wethAbi);
const wrapEncodedData = wethInterface.encodeFunctionData("deposit");
// Set up parameters for wrapping ETH to wETH and bridging to BUSD on Binance Smart Chain
const params = {
fromAddress: signer.address,
fromChain: fromChainId,
fromToken: WETH_ADDRESS, // WETH on Arbitrum
fromAmount: amount.toString(),
toChain: toChainId,
toToken: toToken,
toAddress: signer.address,
slippageConfig: {
autoMode: 1,
slippage: 1,
preHook: {
chainType: ChainType.EVM,
fundAmount: amount.toString(),
fundToken: "0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE", // Native ETH
calls: [
chainType: ChainType.EVM,
callType: 2, // 2 corresponds to CALL_DATA
value: amount.toString(), // Amount of ETH to wrap
callData: wrapEncodedData,
payload: {
tokenAddress: "0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE", // Native ETH
inputPos: 0,
estimatedGas: "500000",
} as EvmContractCall,
provider: "Integration Test", //This should be the name of your product or application that is triggering the hook
description: "Wrap native ETH",
logoURI: "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1548647667135291394/W2WOtKUq_400x400.jpg", //Add your logo here
console.log("Parameters:", params);
// Get the swap route using Squid SDK
const { route, requestId } = await squid.getRoute(params);
console.log("Calculated route:", route.estimate.toAmount);