Route Request Parameters

Building with Squid, fundamentally starts with requesting a route.

The getRoute type is used to define the parameters required for bridging assets between different blockchain networks.

const params = {
  fromChain: number | string; //the chainID assets are being bridged FROM
  toChain: number | string; //the chainID assets are being bridged TO
  fromToken: string;  //the asset address being swapped FROM, "0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE" for native assets
  toToken: string;  // The asset address being swapped TO, "0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE" for native assets
  fromAmount: string; // The unadjusted decimal amount assets 
  fromAddress: string; // The address FROM which assets are being sent to be bridged
  toAddress: string; // The address TO which bridged assets will be sent to
  slippage?: number; //OPTIONAL, If set it determines the max slippage across the route (0.01-99.99) 1 = 1% slippage.
  quoteOnly?: boolean; //OPTIONAL, If true, returns only a quote for the route. Omits transaction data needed for execution. Defaults to false
  enableExpress?: boolean; //OPTIONAL, Utilizes Axelar's Express message passing for an additional small fee to expedite the crosschain transaction. Defaults to true
  prefer?: string[]; // When set, the route response will prefer routes from the DEX corresponding to the string.  EVM chains only supported.
  receiveGasOnDestination?: boolean;
  collectFees?: {
    integratorAddress: string; //The EVM address of the integrator that will receive the fee
    fee: number; // The amount in "basis points" for the fee. 50 = 0.05%. there is currently soft limit of 1% fee allowed for each tx. 
    //For Cosmos routes where either the source or destination chains are not of coinType 118, the SDK necessitates an additional argument. 
    ///This argument is fallbackAddresses, which is an array of objects containing an address and its associated coin type.
    //See more here
    coinType: number;
    address: string;

Parameter Summaries

  • fromChain (number | string): The chain ID of the network from which assets are being bridged.

  • toChain (number | string): The chain ID of the network to which assets are being bridged.

  • fromToken (string): The address of the asset being swapped from. Use "0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE" for native assets.

  • toToken (string): The address of the asset being swapped to. Use "0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE" for native assets.

  • fromAmount (string): The unadjusted decimal amount of assets being transferred.

  • fromAddress (string): The address from which assets are being sent for bridging.

  • toAddress (string): The address to which bridged assets will be sent.

  • slippage (number, optional): Maximum allowable slippage across the route (range: 0.01-99.99). A value of 1 represents 1% slippage.

  • quoteOnly (boolean, optional): If true, only a quote for the route is returned without transaction data needed for execution. Defaults to false.

  • enableExpress (boolean, optional): Utilizes Axelar's Express message passing for a small fee to expedite the cross-chain transaction. Defaults to true.

  • customContractCalls (ContractCall[] | CustomCosmosContractCall[], optional): Custom contract calls to be included in the route.

  • prefer (string[], optional): Prefers routes from the specified DEXs. Only supported on EVM chains.

  • receiveGasOnDestination (boolean, optional): Determines whether to receive gas on the destination chain.

  • collectFees ({ integratorAddress: string; fee: number; }, optional): Specifies the integrator's address to receive the fee and the fee amount in basis points (e.g., 50 = 0.05%). There is a soft limit of 1% fee per transaction.

  • fallbackAddresses ({ coinType: number; address: string; }[], optional): For Cosmos routes where the source or destination chains are not of coinType 118. Requires an array of objects containing an address and its associated coin type.

Last updated