Get Route Status
This method aims to provide the status of the transaction
Squid provides an API to get the overall status for the whole route and the status for the transaction on each chain.
Type: #getstatus
const status = await squid.getStatus({
Request Param:
Property | Description |
transactionId | Transaction hash from the transaction submitted to the source chain. |
requestId (optional) | Unique request id returned in getRoute response param, e.g. |
integratorId (optional) | Unique Integrator Id for integration e.g.
fromChainId | From chain identifier |
toChainId | To chain identifier |
Key response values
id | Axelarscan tx id |
squidTransactionStatus | Master param to watch for status of tx |
fromChain | From chain details |
toChain | To chain details |
routeStatus | Array of status's for each chain |
Example for EVM to Cosmos tx:
"id": "0xee351c5ef26ed12cc21f1652cf0e6d18b8755e3b1f48a47e6200d78da7f3ce2f_0_5",
"status": "destination_executed",
"gasStatus": "gas_paid_enough_gas",
"isGMPTransaction": true,
"axelarTransactionUrl": "",
"fromChain": {
"transactionId": "0xee351c5ef26ed12cc21f1652cf0e6d18b8755e3b1f48a47e6200d78da7f3ce2f",
"blockNumber": 23289934,
"callEventStatus": "",
"callEventLog": [],
"chainData": {
"chainName": "Avalanche",
"chainType": "evm",
"rpc": "",
"networkName": "Avalanche FUJI C-Chain Testnet",
"chainId": 43113,
"nativeCurrency": {
"name": "Avalanche",
"symbol": "AVAX",
"decimals": 18,
"icon": ""
"swapAmountForGas": "2000000",
"chainIconURI": "",
"blockExplorerUrls": [
"chainNativeContracts": {
"wrappedNativeToken": "0xd00ae08403B9bbb9124bB305C09058E32C39A48c",
"ensRegistry": "0xa7eebb2926d22d34588497769889cbc2be0a5d97",
"multicall": "0xcA11bde05977b3631167028862bE2a173976CA11",
"usdcToken": ""
"axelarContracts": {
"gateway": "0xC249632c2D40b9001FE907806902f63038B737Ab",
"forecallable": ""
"squidContracts": {
"squidRouter": "0x481A2AAE41cd34832dDCF5A79404538bb2c02bC8",
"defaultCrosschainToken": "0x57f1c63497aee0be305b8852b354cec793da43bb",
"squidMulticall": "0xd9b7849d3a49e287c8E448cea0aAe852861C4545"
"estimatedRouteDuration": 90,
"estimatedExpressRouteDuration": 20
"transactionUrl": ""
"toChain": {
"transactionId": "E520061B841FCF689D33D66CF65168C14047CC2DB902B77292874CB30EF82887",
"blockNumber": 1264046,
"callEventStatus": "",
"callEventLog": [],
"chainData": {
"chainName": "osmosis-6",
"chainType": "cosmos",
"rpc": "",
"rest": "",
"networkName": "Osmosis Testnet",
"chainId": "osmo-test-5",
"nativeCurrency": {
"name": "Osmosis",
"symbol": "OSMO",
"decimals": 6,
"icon": ""
"swapAmountForGas": "2000000",
"chainIconURI": "",
"blockExplorerUrls": [
"stakeCurrency": {
"coinDenom": "OSMO",
"coinMinimalDenom": "uosmo",
"coinDecimals": 6,
"coingeckoId": "osmosis"
"bip44": {
"coinType": 118
"bech32Config": {
"bech32PrefixAccAddr": "osmo",
"bech32PrefixAccPub": "osmopub",
"bech32PrefixValAddr": "osmovaloper",
"bech32PrefixValPub": "osmovaloperpub",
"bech32PrefixConsAddr": "osmovalcons",
"bech32PrefixConsPub": "osmovalconspub"
"currencies": [
"coinDenom": "OSMO",
"coinMinimalDenom": "uosmo",
"coinDecimals": 6,
"coingeckoId": "osmosis"
"coinDenom": "ION",
"coinMinimalDenom": "uion",
"coinDecimals": 6,
"coingeckoId": "ion"
"feeCurrencies": [
"coinDenom": "OSMO",
"coinMinimalDenom": "uosmo",
"coinDecimals": 6,
"coingeckoId": "osmosis"
"coinType": 118,
"gasPriceStep": {
"low": 0,
"average": 0,
"high": 0.025
"features": [
"squidContracts": {
"defaultCrosschainToken": "uausdc"
"axelarContracts": {
"gateway": ""
"chainToAxelarChannelId": "channel-312",
"estimatedRouteDuration": 180,
"estimatedExpressRouteDuration": 20
"transactionUrl": ""
"timeSpent": {
"call_confirm": 28,
"total": 42
"routeStatus": [
"chainId": 43113,
"txHash": "0xee351c5ef26ed12cc21f1652cf0e6d18b8755e3b1f48a47e6200d78da7f3ce2f",
"status": "success",
"action": "call"
"chainId": "axelar-testnet-lisbon-3",
"txHash": "164ECB096CA000BB21D62662D2CFC94E0CEFD3103D936A0F9730A87E55A9DDE2",
"status": "success",
"action": "executed"
"chainId": "osmo-test-5",
"txHash": "",
"status": "not found",
"action": "executed"
"error": {},
"squidTransactionStatus": "success"
You can also access the Axelar GMP block explorer to monitor your transaction status.
Last updated